The pheras at Tanya & Shivam's wedding

Weddings, just like life, are made up of tiny moments which are nested in larger moments as one flows through time. So this here is a snippet from Tanya & Shivam’s wedding, which begins just as they complete their varmala exchange and concludes just before their pheras ended.

Shivam had had a crazy baraat where if his friends had their way could have easily gone on for double the duration it did. Once his baraat ended, Shivam took his place at the end of the aisle waiting for his bride to arrive. Tanya had written a letter for Shivam which she had read out in advance, and as she walked down the aisle, her reading of that letter played over the speakers. They met at the end of the aisle, looked into each others eyes and exchanged garlands. That is when petals rained down on them. This is where today’s photo story starts.

After their varmala, Tanya & Shivam sat side by side in the mandap. Tanya’s brothers and Shivam’s sisters played their role in the traditions of the wedding ceremony, which are about binding the bride and groom into one unit as they take their vows around the holy flames. As Tanya & Shivam did that, their families showered flowers on them. In most Hindu wedding ceremonies, the bride and groom take four pheras - three where the bride leads the groom and the final one where the groom leads the bride.

After the pheras, Tanya & Shivam sat down to recite their vows. And this was when we all realised what the baraat had done to Shivam’s voice - given the amount of celebratory cheering he had partaken in at his own baraat, Shivam had completely lost his voice! This was a source of incredible amusement for everyone around, including Shivam himself, which is clearly evident in the smiles you can see in the photographs.

Ever the caring soul, Shivam chose the gentlest possible manner in which he put the sindoor on Tanya’s head. As they both stood up to receive blessings from everyone there, their wedding ceremony came to it’s conclusion.

Featured photos for Sam & Ekta by Sam Walzade & Ekta Rekhi
Planned by The Wedding Design Company